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Respawn System

The respawn system allows Discords servers to have a system to keep track of which respawns are available and which are being used by the members of a server. Users can claim the open respawns or join queues for the occupied ones.

Getting Started

In order to start using the Respawn System, it must be initialized for your server by using the command /respawn-admin setup.

After initializing the system, a channel will be created where a list of the spawns that are currently taken will be shown, as well as an automatically generated image with the list of all the respawns and their codes.


This channel is initially only visible to the admin, remember to update its permissions as you desire. It is highly recommended not to let anyone send messages in this channel.

Every respawn has a code, this lets users claim it without having to write its full name.

Claiming a respawn / Joining the queue

Users can claim any respawn that is available, by using the /respawn claim command followed by the code of the respawn.

Once a respawn is claimed, it will be assigned to the user for a specific amount of time. When this time runs out, the user will receive a private message notifying them that their hunt has ended.


Depending on the user's privacy settings, NabBot might not be able to send private messages to them. This can be verified by using the command: /check-dm

If a respawn is already being used by someone, anyone else who claims it will be added to its queue. When the current hunt ends, the next player in the queue will be notified via direct message and will be asked for confirmation: * If the user accepts, the respawn will be assigned to them. * If the user doesn't accept or doesn't respond in time, the respawn will pass to the next person in the queue, repeating the confirmation process.

Leaving a respawn or a queue

A user might leave a respawn at anytime, using the command /respawn leave. They can also be removed from their hunt by Respawn System managers, who have permissions to use commands like /respawn-manage kick.

Additional configuration

By default, the duration of a hunt is 2 hours. However, if the server admins want to change this duration, they can use the command /respawn-admin settings, which has different options for configuration, like: * duration, to set the default hunt duration for the system * queue_limit, to define the maximum amount of players allowed in a respawn's queue at the same time * player_queue_limit, to define the maximum amount of respawns a user can be queued for at the same time * confirmation_timeout to set how long NabBot should wait for user confirmation responses before timing out

Note that these changes will not affect any of the current queues, only limit them from that moment forward.


The configured respawn limit is 30, and a certain respawn has 23 users in its queue.

If the queue limit is changed to 20, the queue of the respawn will remain the same, but it won't be possible for new users to join until the number is below 20.

For information on all the available commands, see Respawn Commands.