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A watchlist lets you keep track of online characters in a Discord channel. Unlike regular character tracking, entries in watchlists are not tied to a Discord user.

Characters and entire guilds can be registered to a watchlist. Every couple minutes, the message on the watchlist will be updated to show who is currently online, so the channel allows you to quickly check who's online. Additionally, the online count is displayed on the channel's name.

Example of a watchlist

Watchlists can be used for anything you want: guildies, friends, enemies, hunting partners, etcetera.

In order to use watchlists, you must have a server with at least 15 members. You can have up to 2 watchlists per server, while premium servers can have up to 5.

Creating a watchlist

To create a watchlist, you can use the command /watchlist add watchlist. When used, a new channel will be created. By default, this channel is read only.

Managing watchlists

Once the list is created, it can be managed with the rest of the watchlist subcommands.

All watchlist management subcommands require the user to have Manage Channel permissions in the watchlist channel. So in order to control who can add and delete entries to a watchlist, you need to use the channel's permissions.

You do not need to use the commands in the watchlist channel, in fact, it is recommended to use them anywhere else.

In the case of lists subcommands, anyone with permissions to see the channels (Read Messages) can use them. However, this won't stop others from seeing the list if someone else uses the command where they can see.

In order to specify for which watchlist is the command for, the first parameter is the channel's name or mention.


  • To add a character to the watchlist named friends, use /watchlist add watchlist channel:#friends name:Galarzaa.
  • To add a character to the watchlist named enemies, use /watchlist add watchlist channel:#enemies name:Nezune.

All available subcommands can be found here.

Adding entries to the list

Watchlists have two type of entries: guilds and characters.

Guild entries keep track of all the members in a guild, if a new member joins, it will automatically be included. On the other hand, if a member is removed, it won't be tracked anymore.

Character entries keep track of a specific character, regardless of what guild they are. Character entries are displayed on the watchlist separately from guild entries.

Watchlist Feed

Watchlist feeds are a premium feature that allows you to create or designate a channel where level up and deaths announcements will be made for all entries in your watchlist, without them needing to be registered to someone in the server.

For more information see: watchlist feeds