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Watchlists commands

Commands related to NabBot's watchlist system.


Manage watchlists.

Manage Channels permission is needed to use this command by default.

watchlist add

Add watchlists, characters, feeds or guilds.

/watchlist add char

Add a character to a watchlist.

Command response will only be visible to you.


Name Type Required Description
watchlist Channel βœ… The watchlist to add the character to.
character Text βœ… The name of the character to add.
reason Text ❌ Specify a reason for adding the character.

/watchlist add feed

Creates or assigns a channel to be used as a feed for the watchlist.

Command response will only be visible to you.


Name Type Required Description
watchlist Channel βœ… The channel containing the watchlist.
feedchannel Channel ❌ The channel to be used as a feed. If omitted, a new channel will be created.

/watchlist add guild

Add a guild to a watchlist.

Command response will only be visible to you.


Name Type Required Description
watchlist Channel βœ… The watchlist to add the guild to.
guild Text βœ… The name of the guild to add.
reason Text ❌ Specify a reason for adding the guild.

/watchlist add user

Add a user's characters to a watchlist.

Command response will only be visible to you.


Name Type Required Description
watchlist Channel βœ… The watchlist to add the characters of a user to.
user User βœ… The user to add the characters of.
reason Text ❌ Specify a reason for adding the user.

/watchlist create

Create a new watchlist.

Command response will only be visible to you.


Name Type Required Description
name Text βœ… The name of the watchlist. Must be a valid channel name.

/watchlist edit

Edit a watchlist.

Command response will only be visible to you.


Name Type Required Description
watchlist Channel βœ… The watchlist to edit.
show_count True/False βœ… Whether to show the online players count in the channel name or not.

watchlist info

Commands to show information about watchlist entries.

/watchlist info char

Show details about a character in a watchlist.

Command response will only be visible to you.


Name Type Required Description
watchlist Channel βœ… The channel containing the watchlist.
character Text βœ… The name of the character to check.

/watchlist info guild

Show details about a guild in a watchlist.

Command response will only be visible to you.


Name Type Required Description
watchlist Channel βœ… The channel containing the watchlist.
guild Text βœ… The name of the guild to check.

watchlist list

Commands to list watchlist entries.

/watchlist list watchlists

View a list of all the watchlist in the server.

Command response will only be visible to you.

/watchlist list chars

Shows the list of characters in a watchlist.

Command response will only be visible to you.


Name Type Required Description
watchlist Channel βœ… The channel containing the watchlist.

/watchlist list guilds

Shows the list of guilds in a watchlist.

Command response will only be visible to you.


Name Type Required Description
watchlist Channel βœ… The channel containing the watchlist.

watchlist remove

Commands to remove watchlist entries or lists.

/watchlist remove char

Removes a character from a watchlist.

Command response will only be visible to you.


Name Type Required Description
watchlist Channel βœ… The watchlist to remove the character from.
character Text βœ… The name of the character to remove.

/watchlist remove entries

Remove all entries from a watchlist.

Command response will only be visible to you.


Name Type Required Description
watchlist Channel βœ… The watchlist to clear the entries from.

/watchlist remove feed

Remove a feed from a watchlist.

Command response will only be visible to you.


Name Type Required Description
watchlist Channel βœ… The watchlist to remove the feed from.

/watchlist remove guild

Removes a guild from a watchlist.

Command response will only be visible to you.


Name Type Required Description
watchlist Channel βœ… The watchlist to remove the guild from.
guild Text βœ… The name of the guild to remove.

/watchlist remove watchlist

Removes a watchlist, even if the channel no longer exists.

Command response will only be visible to you.


Name Type Required Description
channel Channel βœ… The channel where the watchlist is located.