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Tracking commands

Commands related to NabBot's tracking system.


Manage allowlists.

allowlist guild

Manage guild allowlists.

/allowlist guild add

Add a guild to the allowlist.

Command response will only be visible to you.


Name Type Required Description
guild Text The guild to add. Only characters in this guild will be announced.

/allowlist guild list

Shows the guilds currently in the allowlist.

Command response will only be visible to you.

/allowlist guild remove

Remove a user form the allowlist.

Command response will only be visible to you.


Name Type Required Description
guild Text The guild to remove.


Manage blocklists.

blocklist user

Manages user blocklists, excluding users from announcements.

/blocklist user add

Add a user to the blocklist.

Command response will only be visible to you.


Name Type Required Description
user User The user to add. Their characters won't be announced anymore.

/blocklist user list

Shows the users currently in the blocklist.

Command response will only be visible to you.

/blocklist user remove

Remove a user form the blocklist.

Command response will only be visible to you.


Name Type Required Description
user User The user to remove.

/blocklist user remove-unknown

Remove a user form the blocklist that is no longer in the server.

Command response will only be visible to you.


Name Type Required Description
user_id Discord ID The ID of the user to remove.


See all the characters registered to you.

Command response will only be visible to you.


Register your characters.

Command response will only be visible to you.


Name Type Required Description
character Text The name of the character you want to register.


Remove a character assigned to you.

Command response will only be visible to you.


Name Type Required Description
character Text The name of the character you want to unregister.


Shows you which users are online on Tibia.

Command response will only be visible to you.


Search for characters in this server.

/search-team by-character

Search characters in this server in share range with a character.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
name Text Only characters in share range with this one will be shown.
Must be between 2 and 29 characters long.

/search-team by-level

Search characters in this server in share range with a specific level.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
level Number Only characters that can share experience with this level will be shown.
Must be greater or equal than 2.

/search-team by-level-range

Search characters in this server in a specified range.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
min_level Number Only characters this level or higher will be shown.
Must be greater or equal than 2.
max_level Number Only characters this level or lower will be shown.
Must be greater or equal than 2.