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Tibia commands

Commands related to Tibia, gathered from information present in


Show information about auctions.

/auction character

Show auctions of a character.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
name Text βœ… The name of the character to check auctions of.
Must be between 2 and 29 characters long.

/auction item

Show auctions containing a specific item.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
name Text βœ… The name of the item to search for.
include_history True/False ❌ Whether to also search in past auctions.
Default value: false.

/auction stats

Shows a summary of auctions.

Command response will be visible to everyone.

/auction view

View a specific auction.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
auction_id Number βœ… The ID of the auction.
Must be greater or equal than 1.


Show information about boosted creatures and bosses.

/boosted boss

Show the current boosted boss.

Command response will be visible to everyone.

/boosted creature

Show the current boosted creature.

Command response will be visible to everyone.

/boosted recent

Gets the most recent boosted creature entries.

Command response will only be visible to you.


Show the Tibia events of the current month.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Shows the latest CM posts in the forum.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Show character's deaths.

/deaths all

Shows the recent deaths of everyone in this server.

Command response will be visible to everyone.

/deaths character

Shows the recent deaths of a specific registered character.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
name Text βœ… The character to check the deaths of.

/deaths monster

Shows the latest deaths caused by a specific monster.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
name Text βœ… The name of the monster to check.

/deaths stats

Shows death statistics for a given period of time.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
period Text ❌ The period of time to show statistics for.
Valid choices: Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly.
Default value: Weekly.

/deaths user

Shows the recent deaths of a user's registered character.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
user User βœ… The user to check the deaths of.


Check which boss is currently present in the Dream Scar arena.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
world Text ❌ The world to check. If not provided, the tracked world will be used.


Commands to read the forums.

/forum board

Check recent threads in a board.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
name Number βœ… The name of the board to check.

/forum post

Shows the contents of a forum post.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
post_id Number βœ… The ID of the forum post.
Must be greater or equal than 1.


Check information about a guild.

/guild info

Shows general information about a guild.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
name Text βœ… The name of the guild.

/guild list

Shows the list of guilds in a world.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
name Text βœ… The name of the world.

/guild members

Shows a list of all guild members.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
name Text βœ… The name of the guild.

/guild online

Shows the online members of a guild.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
name Text βœ… The name of the guild.


Shows the highscores for a given world and category.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
world Text ❌ The world to check the highscores of.
category Text ❌ The highscores category to display, by default Experience.
Valid choices: Achievements, Axe Fighting, Boss Points, Charm Points, Club Fighting, Distance Fighting, Drome Score, Experience Points, Fishing, Fist Fighting, Goshnar's Taint, Loyalty Points, Magic Level, Shielding, and Sword Fighting.
Default value: Experience Points.
vocation Text ❌ The vocation to show results of. By default, all vocations are shown.
Valid choices: All, No vocation, Knights, Paladins, Sorcerers, and Druids.
Default value: All.


See information about Tibia houses and guildhalls.

/house list

Shows a list of houses or guilds in a specific world and town.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
world Text βœ… The world to see houses in.
town Text ❌ The town to see houses in.
Valid choices: Ab'Dendriel, Ankrahmun, Carlin, Darashia, Edron, Farmine, Gray Beach, Issavi, Kazordoon, Liberty Bay, Moonfall, Port Hope, Rathleton, Silvertides, Svargrond, Thais, Venore, and Yalahar.
Default value: Ab'Dendriel.

/house view

View information about a house or guildhall.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
name Text βœ… The name of the house or guildhall.
world Text ❌ The world to check the current house status.


Shows the leaderboard for a specific world.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
world Text βœ… The world to check the leaderboards of.


Show level ups of registered characters.

/levels all

Shows the recent level ups of everyone in this server.

Command response will be visible to everyone.

/levels character

Shows the recent level ups of a specific registered character.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
name Text βœ… The character to check the level ups of.

/levels user

Shows the recent level ups a user's registered characters.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
user User βœ… The user to check the level ups of.


Check news from

/news recent

See a list of recent news.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
days Number ❌ The number of days to look back for news.
Must be a value between 0 and 90.
Default value: 30.

/news ticker

See a list of recent news tickers.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
days Number ❌ The number of days to look back for news.
Must be a value between 0 and 90.
Default value: 30.

/news view

Display a news entry.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
news_id Number βœ… The ID of the news entry.
Must be greater or equal than 1.


Search online characters in a world.

/search-world by-character

Search online characters in share range with a character.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
name Text βœ… Search online characters in share range with a character.
world Text ❌ By default, the character's world will be used.

/search-world by-level

Search online characters in share range with a specific level.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
world Text βœ… The world to search online characters in.
level Number βœ… Only characters that can share experience with this level will be shown.
Must be a value between 2 and 3000.

/search-world by-level-range

Search online characters in a specified range.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
world Text βœ… The world to search online characters in.
min_level Number βœ… Only characters this level or higher will be shown.
Must be a value between 2 and 3000.
max_level Number βœ… Only characters this level or lower will be shown.
Must be a value between 3 and 3000.


Displays Tibia server's time and time until server save.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Shows level ups and deaths together.

/timeline all

Shows the recent level ups and deaths of everyone in this server.

Command response will be visible to everyone.

/timeline character

Shows the recent level ups and deaths of a specific registered character.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
name Text βœ… The character to check the timeline of.

/timeline user

Shows the recent level ups and deaths of a user's registered characters.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
user User βœ… The user to check the timeline of.


Manage the server's timezones.

Manage Server permission is needed to use this command by default.

/timezones add

Adds a new timezone to display.

Command response will only be visible to you.


Name Type Required Description
display_name Text βœ… The display name of the timezone. This will be displayed in the /time command.
timezone Text βœ… The time zone to use. If unsure, enter a city, country or region, possible options will be shown.

/timezones list

Shows a list of all the currently added timezones.

Command response will only be visible to you.

/timezones remove

Adds a new timezone to display.

Command response will only be visible to you.


Name Type Required Description
name Text βœ… The time zone to remove. Not the display name.

/timezones rename

Renames a timezone, giving it a new display name.

Command response will only be visible to you.


Name Type Required Description
zone Text βœ… The timezone to edit. Not the display name.
new_name Text βœ… The new name that will be given to the zone.


Check a character's information or the characters of a user.

/whois char

Check information about a character.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
name Text βœ… The name of the character.
Must be between 2 and 29 characters long.

/whois user

Check the characters of a user.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
user User βœ… The user to check the characters of.


See information about game worlds.

/world list

Shows the list of worlds.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
location Text ❌ Filter worlds by location.
Valid choices: North America, South America, Europe, and Oceania.
pvp_type Text ❌ Filter worlds by PvP type.
Valid choices: Open PvP, Optional PvP, Retro Open PvP, Retro Hardcore PvP, and Hardcore PvP.
battleye Text ❌ Filter worlds by BattlEye status.
Valid choices: Green, Yellow, and Unprotected.
sort_by Text ❌ The value to sort worlds by.
Valid choices: Name and Online Count.
Default value: Name.
sort_direction Text ❌ Whether to sort worlds in ascending or descending order.
Valid choices: Ascending and Descending.
Default value: Ascending.

/world view

Shows basic information about a Tibia world.

Command response will be visible to everyone.


Name Type Required Description
name Text βœ… The name of the world.