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  • βœ… New feature
  • πŸ”§ Improvement
  • πŸ› Fixed bug
  • ❌ Removed feature
  • ⭐ Premium content

Version 5.1.1 (2024-07-26)

  • πŸ› Fix bug causing watchlists to be mistakenly disabled due to exceeding allowed limits.
  • πŸ› Fix /server-info showing negative member counts.
  • β­πŸ› Order entries in /respawn history by start time.
  • β­πŸ› Fix bug with next hunt on respawn not starting.

Version 5.1.0 (2024-07-23)

  • πŸ”§ Reenabled Watchlists
    • Most of their work is now done on a separate process, to reduce disruptions on NabBot's commands.
  • πŸ”§ Internal fixes and changes to improve NabBot's performance.
    • ❌ Removed counts by Discord status in /server-info.
    • ❌ Removed Discord status icon in /user-info.
  • πŸ› Fixes in /im and /imnot to prevent users being locked out from using the command.

Version 5.0.4 (2024-07-15)

  • β­πŸ”§ Improved the response speed of /respawn history.
  • πŸ› Fix /settings welcome-message set
    • πŸ”§ Added /settings welcome-message keys to view available format keys.
  • πŸ› Fix /deaths character failing for unregistered characters.
  • πŸ› Fix /achievement autocompletion not working.
  • πŸ› Fix /mount autocompletion not working.
  • πŸ› Fix /search-team by-level and /search-team by-level-range sending two responses (one of them errors).
  • πŸ› Performed internal changes to how tasks are managed, aiming to leave more room for the task that manages Discord.

Version 5.0.3 (2024-07-07)

  • β­πŸ”§ Improve /respawn history to return less information. It is now limited to the last 30 days instead of the whole history
  • πŸ› Fixed /event list. It is now returning only future events and those from the past 1 hour.
  • β­πŸ› Fix /respawn kick restarting current ongoing hunt when the kicked user was just in the queue as NEXT.
  • πŸ”§ Further improvements to reduce load during bot start up.

Version 5.0.2 (2024-07-05)

  • πŸ”§ Add character online status to /whois subcommands.
  • πŸ› Fix /auction view breaking due to new fields from the SU2024
  • β­πŸ› Fix /respawn issues when accepting hunt switch, bot would not start the next hunt in queue and caused state of respawns stuck having only hunts with NEXT state
  • This was also the root cause for respawn image disappearing.
  • πŸ› Fix a bug in Whois Is? command where target was no longer in server
  • πŸ› Fix /watchlist remove character command issues
  • πŸ› Fix /event participants command issues
  • β­πŸ”§ Improve respawn system task that updates respawn list to properly survive database outages (reduce need of bot restarts under critical situations)
  • πŸ”§ Improve initial data caching during start up to better distribute load
  • πŸ”§ Major version upgrade to Kotlin 2.0, which contains fixes for problems we were facing in the background
  • πŸ”§ Improve some logging to help monitor and troubleshoot other issues.
  • πŸ”§ Fixed many internal errors in Discord "events" (members leaving, server joining, etc.)

Version 5.0.1 (2024-07-03)

  • β­πŸ”§ Turn /respawn info and /respawn user info from ephemeral to public
  • πŸ› Fixed /watchlist remove watchlist
  • Remove channel_id option, now the channel mention is the only and mandatory field
  • Fixed permission checks that were incorrect
  • πŸ› Fixed /roll command input issues
  • β­πŸ› Fixed respawn list failing due to exceeding the character length.
  • Other internal changes. Remarkably, some that allowed watchlists and character level up & death messages to be properly enabled again.

Version 5.0.0 (2024-06-28)


This is the first version with Slash Commands. To see the information about previous versions, check the archived changelog.

  • Slash commands were implemented, this resulted in many changes in commands due to it being a different system.
  • All commands now use the / prefix, type / in the chat, and you will see all available commands.
  • β­βœ… Respawns are now customizable, you can create, edit and remove respawns for your server.
  • β­βœ… You can now block and unblock a respawn, disabling it from being used temporarily.
  • β­βœ… You can customize a specific respawn's settings, like its hunt duration and queue limit.
  • ❌ For the moment, commands are only available in English, we will open up translations soon.
  • ❌ Commands no longer have aliases, there is now only one way to call each command.
  • Command changes:
    • Admin Commands:
      • Due to Slash Command limitations, and to take advantage of their features better, all settings subcommands are grouped by the setting they modify, and then have subcommands view, set and in some cases clear.
      • /language and /settings language is temporarily disabled. We're working on bringing multiple language support back.
      • /settings defaultannouncements is now /settings default-announcements (view and set subcommands).
      • /settings eventschannel is now /settings events-channel (view, clear and set subcommands).
      • /settings levelschannel is now /settings levels-channel (view, clear and set subcommands).
      • /settings newschannel is now /settings news-channel (view, clear and set subcommands).
    • /settings serverlog is now /settings server-log (view, clear and set subcommands).
      • /settings minlevel is now /settings min-level (view, and set subcommands).
      • /settings newstickers is now /settings news-tickers (view, and set subcommands).
      • /settings showuser is now /settings show-user (view, and set subcommands).
    • /settings welcomechannel is now /settings welcome-channel (direct-message, view and set subcommands).
    • /settings welcome and `/settings welcome-message.
      • /checkchannel is now /check-permissions
        • πŸ”§ It now specifies if permissions are granted/denied only on the channel.
      • /unregistered is now /unregistered users
    • Calculator Commands
      • πŸ”§/blessings now includes Twist of Fate.
      • /distanceskill is now /distance-skill.
      • /magiclevel is now /magic-level.
      • /meleeskill is now /melee-skill.
      • βœ… New double_exp argument added to skill and magic level calculator commands, to consider double skill and experience weekends.
      • πŸ”§ You no longer need to remember the order of arguments for calculator commands, as the name of each argument will be shown as you type.
    • /splitloot is now /split-loot.
      • It now displays a dialog where you can paste your session.
      • /share now split into subcommands:
        • /share character - Get the share range of a character, or up to 5 characters.
          • Now also displays shared experience bonus.
        • /share level - Get the share range for a level.
    • The default behavior of /stats is now subcommands: /stats character and /stats level.
    • General Commands
      • /checkpm is now /check-dm.
      • /quote has been converted into a message command. Right-click on a message to use it.
      • ❌ /choose was removed.
      • ❌ /permissions was removed.
    • Info Commands
      • /channelinfo is now /channel-info.
      • ❌/botinfo was removed.
      • ❌ /commands was removed.
      • /emojiinfo is now /emoji-info.
      • ❌ /help was removed.
      • /serverinfo is now /server-info.
      • ❌ /uptime removed, uptime can be seen in /about.
      • /userinfo is now /user-info.
    • Loot Commands
      • ❌ /loot removed.
    • Mod Commands
      • ❌ /cleanup removed.
      • ❌ /ignore removed.
      • ❌ /makesay removed.
      • ❌ /unignore removed.
    • Premium Commands
      • ❌/patreon was removed.
      • /premium balance is now /premium status.
        • πŸ”§ It now also shows the premium status of the current server.
      • /premium serverhistory is now /premium server-history.
      • /transaction is now /premium view-transaction.
    • Respawn Commands
      • Commands are now grouped into 3 root commands /respawn, /respawn-manage, /respawn-admin, so you can have three permission levels to manage.
      • /respawn clear is now /respawn-manage clear.
      • /respawn clearall is now /respawn-manage clear-all.
      • /respawn kick is now /respawn-manage kick.
      • /respawn claim and /respawn next both have the same functionality.
      • /respawn setduration is now part of /respawn-admin settings.
      • /respawn setlimit is now part of /respawn-admin settings.
      • /respawn setup is now /respawn-admin setup.
      • /respawn userinfo is now /respawn user-info.
      • βœ… Added /respawn-manage create, /respawn-manage edit and /respawn-manage delete to personalize respawns for your server.
      • βœ… Added /respawn-manage block and /respawn-manage unblock to temporarily disable respawns.
      • βœ… Added /respawn-manage bump-user to move a user to the top of the queue.
    • Roles Commands:
      • /group functionality is now split between /group join and /group leave.
    • /group add is now /group-manage create (create a new role) and /group-manage set (set an existing role).
      • /group remove is now /group-manage delete.
      • /noroles is now /no-roles.
      • /roleinfo is now /role info.
      • /rolemembers is now /role members.
      • /rolemention was removed.
      • /roles is now /role list and /role user.
    • Stats Commands
      • /commandstats is now /command-stats.
    • ❌ /commandstats global was removed.
    • /serverhistory is now /server-history.
    • Tibia Commands
      • /auction is now /auction view.
      • /auction itemhistory merged into /auction item. Use the include_history argument to toggle showing past auctions or not.
      • /boosted is now /boosted creature.
      • /boosted is now /boosted creature
      • βœ… Added /boosted boss
      • /cmposts is now /cm-posts
      • /deaths was split into /deaths character and /deaths all
      • /forumpost is now /forum post
      • βœ… Added /forum board
      • /guild is now /guild online
      • /guilds is now /guild list
      • /highscores parameters was removed. Available parameters can be seen when using the command.
      • /house is now /house view
      • πŸ”§ When viewing a guildhall, you will also see the guild of the owner.
      • /levels was split into /levels character and /levels all
      • /news was split into /news recent and /news view
      • /share moved to Calculator commands.
      • /searchworld is now /search-world was split into three commands depending on the input:
        • /search-world by-character - To search online characters in share range with a specific character.
        • /search-world by-level - To search online characters in share range with a specific level.
        • /search-world by-level-range - To search online characters in a specific level range.
      • /timeline was split into /timeline character and /timeline all
      • /time add, /time list, /time remove and /time rename are now under /timezones
      • πŸ”§ /time now also displays in-game time.
      • /whois was split into /whois user and /whois char.
      • βœ… You can now right-click on a user to use the whois command.
      • /world is now /world view
      • /worlds is now /world list
        • βœ… You can now filter by BattlEye type too.
        • πŸ”§ Filtering is now easier with slash commands.
    • TibiaWiki Commands:
      • βœ… /achievement now has autocompletion, start typing, and you will see suggestions. You can also type something related to how to obtain them. (e.g., mirror will show Vanity as a suggestion.)
      • βœ… /bestiary now has autocompletion, you will see the list of bestiary classes as you type.
      • βœ… /book is now /book view, also featuring autocompletion.
      • βœ… /charm now has autocompletion.
      • βœ… /imbuement now has autocompletion. You can also type material names or the effect to get results.
      • βœ… /item now has autocompletion.
      • βœ… /key is now /key view, also featuring autocompletion.
      • βœ… /monster now has autocompletion.
      • βœ… /mount now has autocompletion.
      • βœ… /npc now has autocompletion.
      • πŸ”§ /npc map images are now bigger, and the cross-hair's color is based on the average color of the map for better visibility.
      • βœ… /spell now has autocompletion. You can also type the words of the spell.
      • /wikiinfo is now /wiki-info.
    • Timer commands
      • /boss aliastlis removed, command autocompletion makes it no longer necessary.
      • /dreamcourt moved to Tibia commands.
      • /event is now split between /event info and /event list.
      • /event addplayer is now /event add-character.
      • ❌ /event make removed.
      • /event add is now /event create.
      • All of /event edit subcommands are now a single subcommand.
      • /event removeplayer is now /event remove-character
      • /remindme is now /remindme create
    • Tracking Commands:
      • /blacklist user is now /blocklist user add
      • /blacklist user remove is now split between /blocklist user remove and /blocklist user remove-unknown
    • /searchteam is now /search-team was split into three commands depending on the input:
      • /search-team by-character - To search online characters in share range with a specific character.
      • /search-team by-level - To search online characters in share range with a specific level.
      • /search-team by-level-range - To search online characters in a specific level range.
    • /watchlist commands were moved to their own group.
      • /whitelist guild is now /allowlist guild add
    • Watchlist Commands
      • /watchlist commands were completely reorganized:
      • /watchlist add β†’ /watchlist add char
      • /watchlist addfeed β†’ /watchlist add feed
      • /watchlist addguild β†’ /watchlist add guild
      • /watchlist adduser β†’ /watchlist add user
      • /watchlist clear β†’ /watchlist remove entries
      • /watchlist info β†’ /watchlist info char
      • /watchlist info guild β†’ /watchlist info guild
      • /watchlist list β†’ /watchlist list chars
      • /watchlist listguilds β†’ /watchlist list guilds
      • /watchlist remove β†’ /watchlists remove char
      • /watchlist removefeed β†’ /watchlists remove feed
      • /watchlist removeguild β†’ /watchlist remove guild
      • /watchlist removelist β†’ /watchlist remove watchlist
      • /watchlist showcount β†’ /watchlist edit watchlist
      • /watchlist viewall β†’ /watchlist list watchlists